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Sunday, October 7, 2012

ugh Terrible mama for not keeping this up

im a terrible mama, i havent been keeping up with this blog...at all...sighs!

well a lot has happened. Zoey has had her 1st birthday. This is her first birthday photo, isnt my daughter the cutest thing you ever saw? can you believe she did NOT win the picture people contest....screw them...lol. And yup thats her pink cloth diaper peeking out of there! :)

Here she is modeling at my work, sweet and sassy! i cant wait until shes old enough to walk down that runway and KNOW what it is...lol

Zoey has been busy going potty like a big girl! shes so stinking funny when she goes. im so glad we choose to do cloth. its making for a pretty smooth transition. 

Can you tell im feeling kinda scatter brained, here is zoey on her birthday at 3:32 am. She was a pretty sweet girl this time around :)

the plan wassss to get a photo with her photo from the year before...heres the best of them, but what do you except from a 1 year old at 3:32 am 

amazing how life changes in just one years time 

these are her training pants, it KILLED me not to get the pink ones. 

Yea those are her uggs! just like mama :)

Developmentally...shes 50% in weight and drum roll please....91% in height! She just turned 13 months and is WELL beyond her time. She has been walking for months now and is off and running, yes running now. She can jump like a champ. She climbs stairs and LADDERS....sighs! She even plays on her swing set like an older kid. She just climbs on up the ladder and goes right down her slide. sitting down, head first, feet first. Shes our little fire ball!  She points to what she wants. and has a pretty decent vocabulary. She just completely amazes me with what she can understand. Like she has a kitchen with tons of food and pots and pans. She actually cooks. She gets her little pan and the lid and puts her food in and stirs with her spatula and puts the lid on...shes so funny. She loves to sing clap and dance to all sorts of music, and when its not on, she makes her own songs up. its sooo cute to hear her sing "dad....dad....dad" My favorite thing she does her new walking backwards trick. she walks everywhere but backwards...lol. then the one that worries me? she rolls her eyes already....just like me....eeps! 

Potty training isnt easy but its not that hard either. We did go for training pants from blueberry and ecoposh. I really like them. The blueberries are cute and the ecoposh are made from recycled water bottles. We have a childs potty seat built into the adult seat but she seems to be nervous on there. so we wound up getting her a potty seat that is...pink (well only because it was cheaper in pink...lol....$9 vs $30) but its completely biodegradable! Im so excited about that! 

We are also trying to get pregnant again. Ive been off the pill for 2 cycles. I ovulated yesterday and have been baby dancing for a week....it sounds way more fun then it is, its A LOT of work. Hopefully we will find out in 2 weeks it was not all in vain. But worse comes to worse, we do have another chance this month, as i ovulate on the 31st. I hope it works out, id be taking off the summer at work which is pretty slow anyway. then my family will be able to help me a little bit with being off of school. 

I did already email the hospital that i delivered zoey at asking about the cloth diapering. and they said they had no problems with it which is fabulous! Ive been looking into different diaper rental companies. I want the diapers to fit right when they are born and be all in ones, so no stuffing required. plus be easy for my family to help wash while i cant go up and down stairs etc. 

Well heres to hoping...going to go stand on my head for awhile...lol

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