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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I prefer my grocerys in paper and plastic, not my baby

Well Ive decided to go the cloth diapering route. Zoey just started fitting into size one diapers, luckily we were given a bunch for her baby shower. But we did have to buy probably 10-15 packs of newborn for my mini. But I just cant stand to think of how many diapers we will have to buy and just toss. Id love to say im trying to save the earth, but quite frankly its cause i love saving money. im not a cheap skate but hate to toss it away when there is plenty i can do to save it.  (plus have you SEEN the new cloth diapers, they are beyond adorable)
Cloth diaper savings calculator  - check out what you will be saving :)

So give or take it will take us about 18 weeks to break even and after that were smooth sailing, and never have to buy a diaper for our baby(s) again. Seeings that most people spend about 1-3k on diapering 1 child depending on brand and how long to potty train, the $250 start up wasnt hard to swallow. We are going to be aiming for 3 children but are open to more. So we can pass along to her future siblings. Since Im only working part time now, and do laundry daily, this shouldnt be much of a problem. Though I will have to fight my great dane an extra time a day to get to the washer. I really thought it would be a battle to win my hubby over to the idea, but he was all for it. I think i got him with the its cheaper and less trash to lug down our long driveway line...lol. Im not sure how the rest of the family will feel, but really they have come so far, hopefully it shouldnt be a problem. My one brother and I were raised on old school cloth and we turned out fine, but our mom did diaper the other 3 with disposables... having 10 straight years with kids in diapers!eeks! But they really have come such a long way since then Im happy to hear :)

So we decided to go for the FuzziBunz brand one size fits all, which is fabulous! So they will fit from a newborn up until potty training. Which did i forget to mention does go quicker because they can feel they are wet before its absorbed. :)

I ordered 12 in a rainbow of colors butter cream, choco truffle, grape, light it up blue, mac n cheese, spearmint, tootie fruitie, cotton candy, crushed berries, watermelon and 2 mint.

Arent they adorable? During the summer we wont even have to bother with a diaper cover when she wears her little dresses, or even *gasp* she can run around just in her diaper and look stinking cute. Not even mentioning her photos will be cuter without some ugly disposable diaper.

We also ordered 2 Diaper tire wet bags for holding diapers on the go and a diaper pail liner to hold them. We also got a diaper sprayer so we can just rinse away the messes without touching them or the old fashioned swish in the toliet....ick...

So I cant cant wait to get them in the mail, probably next week, which they better cause if not shes gonna be in sad shape since im not buying any more diapers...lol... Woo Hoo!!!!

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