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Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanks for the mammeries

Ok now onto the current breast feeding situation. It has since improved I am happy to say :)

My sweet zoey jane has yet to fully latch correctly but she is doing much better. With her getting bigger it has really seemed to help. We are using the shield maybe half the time now. As much as I long to have her skin to skin with me, I really would never have been able to make it this far without it.

She is 11 weeks old now and has been sleeping through the night since maybe 8 weeks which has been more then a blessing for this sleepy mama. She sleeps from about 1130 to 10 the next morning. I still have to wake up and pump but thats ok with me.

Supply is up with the help of motilium, a prescription for stomach conditions, and milk supply. Its been more then a blessing for me. Ive struggled with stomach problems since I was in 8th grade. Not only has it fixed my stomach issues milk production is up. Ive increased to about 4-5 oz. when pumping, so its not up completely but its better then empty :)  Zoey does get supplements of formula when I have to. But I really try not to, thus why I wake up at 430 every morning to pump extra, while the princess is still sleeping. Jim just ordered me some more so Im going to try increasing the dose and see where that gets us. Until then we have been incredibly fortunate to have a milk gift from my aunt whos baby is no longer able to have breast milk. There is no greater gift then that, and for that I will forever be thankful. I highly recommend having a pregnancy with family due the same time as you :)

This journey of breastfeeding has been so much more difficult than i could have ever imagined. They are right it does not come naturally, it takes a lot of dedication and work and plenty of blood sweat and tears. And i just marvel at women who nurse exclusively. While its hard for me to accept that formula is not poison, I know that my daughters nutrition is more important then my hang ups. Im just thankful for every tiny drop im able to provide her, no matter how many times i have to wake up and pump. sleep is over rated anyway.

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