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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Childbirth provided the drama I craved, the thrill of peeking over the primal edge of creation, the rush of the unexpected

I've decided i need to do a blog on my pregnancy and child birth experience so that i dont forget and have another baby....haha! yea right. as much as a pain it was, id do it again in a heart beat. though when i was 9 months gigantic (or right after pushing out a watermelon) people would tell me id forget about it all and want to do it again. You know they are right.. Im ready for my son now, but he will have to wait :) but while it is still kinda fresh in my mind i would love to write it all out.

Jim and I had just got married and we were waiting to make sure the insurance went all through before we started trying. We got everything squared away  and started baby dancing in December 2010. Id been tracking my periods and ovulation for over a year while we were planning our wedding. Im not one for surprises. We had a window of opportunity of 3 days and while its not romantic I calculated out our best time for having a girl, and we took our chances with one time, the exact time. (In theory the boy sperm are sprinters not long distance runners like girl sperm) then i waited the longest 2 weeks of my life! After a nerve wracking christmas I missed my period and took a test on december 30th. and i got all set and ready for my +...  3 minutes later... -  ! what?! how could this happen...my calculations were not wrong! I was devastated to say the least!

Feeling disappointed and just exhausted from the holidays I set up shop in bed on new years eve moping and just slept. Jim was mad i was ruining his new years eve and begged me to drink with him. i felt too tired and nauseous to even consider it! I figured the nausea was just me making myself sick from worrying and hating the world. How could people get  pregnant without trying and i had calculated for a year the very best day and time to have a baby girl. ugh!

On January 1st I still hadnt got my period, now a week late, so at 11:30pm, i made jim drive to walmart to get me a pregnancy test. low and behold my positive in seconds. i about died. i danced around the house as  jim thought i went crazy. we announced to our families and then to the world january 11th with a little video :)

We decided to keep the baby's sex a total surprise which is totally not like me! nobody thought we could do it but we did. I can honestly say it was the most incredibly hard thing to do but every day it got easier. We got to dream of princesses with ponies and tea parties and picking out prom gowns, but not going to lie, we had visions of mack trucks frogs and bad teenage mustaches toward the end :) we chose the names for both pretty early and without much trouble. Zoey Jane by staind is my favorite song in the entire world! I love it! Its so pretty. and i hope zoey will like it too, though having it played to her all the time i hope it doesnt lose its meaning. Its about the love a father has for his daughter. i hope she will dance to it with her daddy on her wedding day! but lets not get tooo ahead of ourselves...haha!

we chose the name Micah James for our boy name. I think we will recycle it for a future boy :) Jim really wanted the name to be James like him but there are already 3 James in his family so i couldnt give my kid an identity crisis the day he was born! haha! and I just loved Micah. Its not heard very often and thats what I was really going for.

and if you must know...cause im dying to say...haha...our next girl name will be Petra Mae. Oohhh it gives me chills. I heard the name Petra after my aunt had my cousin a month early and hadnt picked a name so we were looking for one. Zoey hadnt been born yet but I spent a lot of time singing Zoey Jane to her, so i couldnt give HER and identity crisis before she was born...lol.I have never heard or met any one named Petra and its so strong. I am in love with it. The name Mae is pretty old, and is my grandmothers middle name. But they fit so beautifully! I cant wait to use these names! and if we dont have more kids, well then im getting more pets haha!

While my pregnancy was less then fun, it wasnt horrible looking back on it without my hormones raging. haha! Id say the worst was the puking for 7 months, my sciatic nerve pain, the heartburn and the stuffy nose. Then in close 2nd is the not being able to be awake the first trimester and then not being able to sleep the 3rd haha!

I'll skip the rest of the  pregnancy part for maybe another post.

I finished working on August 19th, a week and a half before i had zoey. While I was working only 3 days a week at the end, doing pedicures 38 weeks pregnant is amazing  i was pretty huge :)

 That weekend was a hurricane and I waddled off to walmart to get some food and would walk up an aisle and have to stop. I got finished and then just sat in my truck and cried for awhile and drove home and cried some more. then fell asleep!The hurricane was no big deal, but i was glad i didnt go into labor.

At my last obgyn appointment on August 26th  they said i was only 1 cm still and wouldnt be going for awhile, and they were still sticking to my later due date, the 17th. I thought yea right this baby is coming very soon. we went to wawa and i waddled in and two women stopped me and said you know what youre not going to make it till the end of the week. I smiled and thought i just met you and you know better then my drs. that night my bloody show happened in the middle of the night potty run...ick...gross btw. after that my contractions started to get more intense. They had me come in for another ultrasound because there were some concerns that the baby wouldnt be able to fit through the canal and be very big. they measured her at over 8lbs and growing, thinking we had another 3 weeks to go, they suggested i consider having a csection, which was not in the plans. While we were on the low end of the scale there was a possibility. I think it was due to my weight. though i had only gained 18 lbs total, due to my puking for 7 months and only being able to drink nutritional shakes. i think i did pretty good if i do say so myself :)

On September 1st I was a miserable mess. I was just ready to be done! I just sat in the bath tub sobbing for maybe 45 mins. and spent the rest of the day in bed or peeing. That night i just stood on the floor with my head on the bed swaying my giant belly crying for relief from contractions. we started timing and they werent constant yet. i spent the night screaming at jim for who the heck knows what. the poor guy should have divorced me then. he had to have said this is just your hormones you are going to be ok to me at least a hundred times! i finally tired myself out and went into dream land, well as deep as you can go for your insides trying to gain some independence and become your outsides...haha.

That next morning, friday september 2nd Jim got up and got ready for work, he kissed me goodbye and out the door at 8am he went to work. At 9am, i felt like i got the worse stomach cramp ever, and thinking i hadnt peed in 3 hours it was time. I stood up and soaked the floor. (and i didnt clean it up so it soaked into the floor boards and they are raised and squeak a little till this day)I panicked and called jim asking him to come home. He said he just got into work and would turn around. I called my mom between contractions and had her get ready and tell Rachel, my sister in law. and facebook my brother

 I get a shower real quick and jim comes running in. here he took a taxi home <3 Jim called the drs office and told them we think my water broke and im in labor. he hands the phone to me and i explain what happened..well between that and screaming i think i got my point across. and we didnt even have to go to the drs to get checked out and we grab the bags and head off to the hospital. We walk in and i sit down and of course leak all over the chair as shes asking me all sorts of insurance questions. cant she see im in labor and not wanting to answer questions...lol..so we head back and get checked out. and yup my water did break and I was 4 cm. the week prior they had me do another ultrasound because they thought the baby would be way to big and get stuck, shoulder dystocia. they asked me to consider a c-section, and after debating back and forth it was time to choose. so we choose to go vaginal and pray for the best scenario.

By now my parents have arrived and were waiting for my brother jordan and rachel to arrive. so i get wheeled up into labor and delivery. They got me all set up in one of the beautiful rooms and i got my epidural!and funny i wasnt afraid at all about it. i was more afraid of contractions haha! the room had a computer on the tv so i sat on facebook and updated the whole night. it was fun and was nice having everyone cheer you on when your no exactly feeling fabulous :) I was racing the girl next to me but she had her baby hours and hours before me :( nothing like a 19 hour labor!

Labor wasnt horrible, just long and i had a lot of heartburn and sciatic nerve pains.  My brother and dad waited in the waiting room all day and night long the poor guys. when I was about 9 cms the drs turned off the lights and had me go to sleep to rest for the finale. It was around 1am and my brother and dad fell asleep. They woke me up around 230 and it was time to get the show on the road. My brother texted them what was happening,and since they were busy cause i was in labor he left...right before i had her!  lol! so after pushing for only 45 mins our little one was born. Pushing wasnt terrible but wasnt easy either. Jim almost passed out but he sat down and got through it. he said i smelled weird. thanks jim. After the nurse announced jim was right, we looked and saw jim was wrong and we had ourselves a tiny little girl.  Jim cut the cord. and after getting all cleaned up, he gave zoey her first kiss <3 what a sweet daddy <3

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