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Monday, February 20, 2012

Vacation...had to get away

well we took zoey on her very first vacation! She went to the poconos and had a great time! my parents and 2 of my brothers and my sister came up for a couple days which was really nice. my other brother got to stay home with his wife and take care of our dogs :)

While we were away zoey learned a whole bag of tricks :) she learned to sit up all by herself

 roll over both ways now

 and learned to drink from a cup...naughty daddy let  her drink ice tea...sighs...but she loved it.

We stayed at a place called Fernwood Resort in the Poconos. We have stayed there several times, and I vacationed there when I was younger. Our condo was really disappointing this time. They have this really nice whirlpool and i was really looking forward to soaking in there. But the hot water wasnt even enough to fill it up. They had a washer and dryer, but here they have hard water so it basically ruined our cloth diapers. I used the washer as the wash basket and cold rinsed after each time i put one in...so if we washed 7 diapers, the first one was rinsed out 7 times. Then washed. I was so afraid of the dryer ruining them. But the low setting took over 4 hours to dry them. I put them on high and that took us 2 hours. are you kidding, i could have line dried them quicker....but it was snowing...sighs. The wall paper and floor were really gross and discolored and peeling up. they even had a pathetic sign of we used a chemical to clean them that ruined it...and that it was scheduled for replacement. Yea right. The bed was by far the worst. It was a really icky, old and super uncomfortably thin. Not only that but the way it was positioned was terrible too. We were an end unit and the heater unit was right outside inches from our head...so allllll night we heard the loud humming. The floor was also falling apart upstairs, it had carpet but you felt the floorboards sunken, right next to the couch was at least an inch lower. The pools we went to were also in disrepair, like the one hot tub was the same temperature as the pool. So all in all we had a nice time, but Im not so sure we will ever go back. It was just really a disappointing unit.

We did go to the outlets and got some deals. Jim went to tillys and pacsun and bass and got some good clothes and shoes deals. we even got my brothers birthday present. i got a coach bag. I have tons of them, but its hard to carry a purse along with my diaper bag and baby and seat. its just big enough to tuck inside the diaper bag or just to run out real quick.

thats my diaper bag, cute right 

my cute little wristlet 

We also got a fabulous deal at hartstings, we found a timberland snow suit $88 for 70% off and an additional 20% off :)

Then we got a 12m puma suit for $44 with 70% and additional 20% what?! crazy!

heres some more pics! enjoy!

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