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Friday, March 2, 2012

Begining of our family diet

well its time to officially begin our family diet. ive gained wayyyyy to much and its killing me. I want to feel comfortable and healthy. I want this next child to have everything that i can give them. I want my children to have a healthy mom who can keep up with them and one who wants to be in photographs instead of hiding because shes way to fat to have a picture taken. i want to document this pregnancy with photos of my stomach and not be ashamed. i want  people to be able to look at me and know without a doubt that i am pregnant.

there was a time when i just totally gave up on any self worth and threw in the towel on myself. this is that day. id been to the gym faithfully for months, and threw it away. i really wish i hadnt. and as a side note, sometimes words hurt. so be careful when you say them. be sure they are not in anger. they affect people way more then you can ever imagine. im not blaming my weight gain on them, but they played a huge role in my self worth...

my senior prom 2003
graduation 2003
ive always been pretty thin, a size 2 at the largest  in high school. they arent kidding about the freshman 15..or 30 or more. and yea i understand i will never be a swimsuit model, i wouldnt trade my earned mommy body for a teenage girls. but i need to feel more comfortable in my own skin.

Were starting a weight loss challenge in our family.  and im excited to get started.

were having a money pot for the winner, and if i win im buying skinny maternity clothes!

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