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Sunday, October 7, 2012

ugh Terrible mama for not keeping this up

im a terrible mama, i havent been keeping up with this blog...at all...sighs!

well a lot has happened. Zoey has had her 1st birthday. This is her first birthday photo, isnt my daughter the cutest thing you ever saw? can you believe she did NOT win the picture people contest....screw them...lol. And yup thats her pink cloth diaper peeking out of there! :)

Here she is modeling at my work, sweet and sassy! i cant wait until shes old enough to walk down that runway and KNOW what it is...lol

Zoey has been busy going potty like a big girl! shes so stinking funny when she goes. im so glad we choose to do cloth. its making for a pretty smooth transition. 

Can you tell im feeling kinda scatter brained, here is zoey on her birthday at 3:32 am. She was a pretty sweet girl this time around :)

the plan wassss to get a photo with her photo from the year before...heres the best of them, but what do you except from a 1 year old at 3:32 am 

amazing how life changes in just one years time 

these are her training pants, it KILLED me not to get the pink ones. 

Yea those are her uggs! just like mama :)

Developmentally...shes 50% in weight and drum roll please....91% in height! She just turned 13 months and is WELL beyond her time. She has been walking for months now and is off and running, yes running now. She can jump like a champ. She climbs stairs and LADDERS....sighs! She even plays on her swing set like an older kid. She just climbs on up the ladder and goes right down her slide. sitting down, head first, feet first. Shes our little fire ball!  She points to what she wants. and has a pretty decent vocabulary. She just completely amazes me with what she can understand. Like she has a kitchen with tons of food and pots and pans. She actually cooks. She gets her little pan and the lid and puts her food in and stirs with her spatula and puts the lid on...shes so funny. She loves to sing clap and dance to all sorts of music, and when its not on, she makes her own songs up. its sooo cute to hear her sing "dad....dad....dad" My favorite thing she does her new walking backwards trick. she walks everywhere but backwards...lol. then the one that worries me? she rolls her eyes already....just like me....eeps! 

Potty training isnt easy but its not that hard either. We did go for training pants from blueberry and ecoposh. I really like them. The blueberries are cute and the ecoposh are made from recycled water bottles. We have a childs potty seat built into the adult seat but she seems to be nervous on there. so we wound up getting her a potty seat that is...pink (well only because it was cheaper in pink...lol....$9 vs $30) but its completely biodegradable! Im so excited about that! 

We are also trying to get pregnant again. Ive been off the pill for 2 cycles. I ovulated yesterday and have been baby dancing for a week....it sounds way more fun then it is, its A LOT of work. Hopefully we will find out in 2 weeks it was not all in vain. But worse comes to worse, we do have another chance this month, as i ovulate on the 31st. I hope it works out, id be taking off the summer at work which is pretty slow anyway. then my family will be able to help me a little bit with being off of school. 

I did already email the hospital that i delivered zoey at asking about the cloth diapering. and they said they had no problems with it which is fabulous! Ive been looking into different diaper rental companies. I want the diapers to fit right when they are born and be all in ones, so no stuffing required. plus be easy for my family to help wash while i cant go up and down stairs etc. 

Well heres to hoping...going to go stand on my head for awhile...lol

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

these boots were made for walking....and they will walk all over you....


Well our little one is off and running :) with her first steps happening at 9 months and walking at 10. Shes so funny about it, walking is her only mode of transport now. I havent seen her crawl in maybe a week now. Shes also getting this super funny personality! She liked the fire works on 4th of july but they did make her jump! but daddy held her close.

Yesterday marked the day! I'm officially off my birth control pills :) I still have not made my weight i wanted, but im still down 20 lbs since the dr said to lose some of the weight the motilium put on me. Im guessing that the birth control pills were also keeping some weight on. So im hoping on losing maybe another 15ish before we actively start trying for another sibling, which im thinking will be october/novemberish. A couple more friends announced their pregnancies yesterday, and not going to lie, i was pretty devastated. I have such horrible baby envy right now. Im so glad we dont have fertility problems cause id be a horrible mess.  But i really do want to make sure this baby and i are happy and healthy. I cant wait to start trying again <3

Sunday, June 17, 2012

continuing our journey


Its been a journey to say the least. We've been cloth diapering/wipes for over 7 months now, which sparked a lot of progress for us. I was shocked at all the chemicals in them and so close to her developing bottom. We are washing cloth paper towels and napkins now with my homemade laundry soap. We finally bought the reusable shopping bags and got some cool cloth produce/bulk rice/bean etc. bags. We have banned all chemicals in cleaning products and personal items. Im finally getting use to my shampoo not bubbling up, my tooth paste tasting gritty and my "mama pads" being washed and reused. Im ok with my makeup being tossed and replaced with better ones. Im still struggling with my nail polish though, not that i wear it often i just like owning it i guess. I cant tell you how many items ive had to look up. I cant believe how many rounds of accutane i was on, and to find out 15 years later it only took a clean diet and 7.99 natural facial cleanser to clear...sighs. The hard part is the food. Im doing pretty well with reading labels and narrowing down choices. When organics are better choices for which items. How animal friendly are farming practices. and how far did this blue berry travel to get here. There is so many unnecessary items in food. I just feel strange thinking how many hormones and antibiotics and pesticides are on things. Like why does bread have 35 ingredients?! for heavens sake i sat by my stove today nursing my mozzarella cheese. (ok so it turned out more like ricotta...lol back to youtube for me...lol) I dont want to be THAT girls who is like, ummm unless you can tell me farmer joe only 3 miles away hand picked that at 78 degrees i cant eat it. i dont want to feel pushy or arrogant or alienated. i get enough slack for my attachment parenting but thats another story all together.i just want whats best for my family. it all just boils down to my fear of another failure of nursing. Im still in "mourning" over the loss of breastfeeding. it makes me cringe every time i put that bottle of formula in her mouth. even though its organic soy it still as arsenic in it. *cringes* We are planning another pregnancy in the next 6 months and im just so afraid that it was something i did to cause my milk to never fully come in. Im afraid my medicated birth interfered. Im more afraid of nursing failure then anything else in pregnancy or labor. I gave every ounce of my strength and pumped so very faithfully to give her every drop i could. every 3 hours 24 hours a day for over 6 months is no joke. but so many products can affect your body and it makes me sick to think how many things are banned in europe and go unchecked here. there is cancer, obesity and heart disease that runs through my family and i just have to do something. clearly our fast passed, convince and "lowfat" lifestyles haven't helped us at all. i want to be there for my daughters children, i want her to grow up living a healthy environmentally friendly lifestyle, where she not only eats healthy unprocessed food, but knows and respects its sources, but i dont want her to be the weird outcast either. i dont know where the line between healthy and crazy fearful mom lies. I know i will have plenty of things to feel guilty for but i cant get past the fact of maybe something i had total control of caused my lactation problems. maybe there is nothing i can do about it, maybe i will never produce enough but spending $200 a month on importing illegal lactation pills cant be the answer. I have to make every effort to give them the very best chance in development, but i cant control everything. So this is my work in progress, and hopefully not my flavor of the week. Everyone thought i was crazy for choosing cloth diapers, but im so in love with them, and have had a couple converts along the way. i will eventually learn to balance precautions and living a happy full life. ok off my soap box for tonight...lol

zoeys doing pretty good. shes so funny now. and is such a strong personality. shes been taking steps, but keeps falling over. so it wont be long now. she says ba ba for bottle, da da for dad, and do for dog. hopefully mama is coming. jim  had his first real fathers day today. i got them the cutest shirts and check out this video i made for him

Jims parents parents sold their house which is great for them but sad for us. They are moving across the country so zoey will see them a lot less often which is hard for us. we will have to get onto skype to keep in contact all the time :) 

oh and check out our new family photo 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Feeling fabulous!

Well we've been on the natural eco friendly organic life style for a couple weeks now. Its been an interesting journey to say the least. While we havent lost much weight I can feel a difference in the way our food tastes and how my body feels. We went to whole foods and its so much nicer than trader joes. We also decided to subscribe to emeals, which is a site that you can customize, and it lays out your meal plan, recipes, budget and shopping list. so far im totally in love with it. We are on the organic track at whole foods for a family of 6. (the meals only include dinners, so we make more to have lunches for the week) I really love it. They have tons of tracks, like low carb, portion control, and all different markets like aldis and walmart. so its really cool. this weeks menu is roasted shrimp and tomato pasta, mexican cheese strata, dijon and thyme chicken with roasted potatoes, buffalo turkey burgers with Gorgonzola spread, 4 cheese baked ziti, asian chicken salad and fusilli with spicy chicken sausage. yuuummmyyyy!!

going through all the cosmetics and kitchen items are hard. like changing out of plastic containers to glass, and having to go through different databases to find out what is really in our products. its scary. but so far we like all the changes weve been doing which is great.

so lets see...
cloth diapering, mama padding, cloth napkins, cloth paper towels, refillable washable mop,reusable grocery bags,  all organic/natural personal items and cleaning products, and all organic/natural food, removing all plastics from food handling. Right now we are trying to cut down on trash, and conserve as much water as we can, since we have to do wash more often now. (though doubling zoeys diaper stash has cut washing to every 3 days which is FABULOUS)

my skin is noticeably clearer now. im not sure since its my 3rd month on microgestrin or the natural product replacement or my tanning bed worship. (yes i know it seems stupid to take all these precautions and yet still tan. but im still NOT convinced that tanning is that bad for you) but im so relieved. Im 27 I should not be still having acne like a 13 year old boy....sighs....im using alba acne wash and tarte cosmetics. Im in love with both so far. im glad were saving money with the cloth things cause they arent cheap...sighs...but i still think its better to forgo the iphone and ipad and use that money toward our bodies, we only get one.

i ordered a kitchen aid food processor to start making baby food so im excited for that. i have the attachment on my stand mixer but its actually really hard to do on there. its better to leave that for apple sauces etc, things that need a much finer smooth texture. but since shes eating a lot more solids i think this is the way to go.

so lets see, what is my zoey jane up to? shes been crawling for a couple weeks now, shes passed the standing on furniture and crusing along to standing on her own and standing in the middle of the floor. im excited im off next week for another week of maternity leave so maybe she will walk then :) shes really been eating well, she loves cottage cheese but still hates peas. oh well :)

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Collisons are going green and natural

This has been an exciting week for us. We gathered up all out chemical cleaners and personal care items and went natural. I really need to stop watching netflix, every movie i watch has me fearing something else...lol.

We have been cloth diapering for almost 6 months now :) but not have also decided to try and be as green as possible. I do own a gas guzzling truck, but we also have a little Hyundai that we actually drive. and there is someone always home, so really we only need one car. and its nice to have a larger vehicle just have when we need it. We have now switched to all natural chemicals to clean our house with. its not that hard. they smell good...or are sent free and really just require alittle extra elbow grease. We have ditched paper towels and are using rags that ive been washing. We still need to pick up some cloth napkins. We have a refillable mop now thats pretty cool. its similar to a swifter but you wash the pads and refill the tank with water or cleaner. Jims ordering me some mama pads from fuzzibunz, so i will see how i like them. my periods pretty light because im on the pill right now. women said they were great for postpartum but im not sure if i will. my bleeding was pretty heavy and for a long time. (but then again i was neurotic that people were coming over to see us and kept cleaning the house when i should have been letting people come over to clean for me...which will happen next time...lol) we went to trader joes to go shopping this time but didnt really like it. it was wayyyy to aldis like to me...here they are owned by the same family. but im not really sold on it. the produce section lacked. and we dont eat frozen food so that took out 3 our of the 6 aisles to shop in for us. so i dont know. the food seemed to be ok we did open and try. we still spent a lot. but i still dont understand how or want to feed my family on $40 a week. i would much rather do without nice items, and feed them the best we can. i think it is so much wiser to invest in your body then a new tv, vacation or tshirt. i guess we will still search for a farmers market for sundays, we havent found one yet besides the berlin one but its so far away. and try trader joes one more time. then i think we are off to whole foods.

im still looking for a cosmetics line that isnt expensive and chemical free. my skin is still a wreck. i am tanning again which seems to help, but i just long for clear skin. being on the pill didnt help. i told the dr i dont care if i get pregnant again, i just wanted one to clear my skin...lol..but maybe the chemical free will help a little bit. i have been using some natural products for years, but now have fully changed over. they seem to be fine and not much of a difference. makes me wonder why we even went the chemical way to begin with. i guess wives just wanted to have an easier way of life and dinners full of garbage and toxic chemicals made it easier. but was it worth it?!

but the rules for chemicals and personal items are they cant have...sulfates parabens or phthalates.

this is from http://dermamedsolutions.com check it out :)

Parabens are preservatives found in many skincare products.  You can spot them easily on the product label because they end with the word paraben.  Examples include: methylparaben, proplyparaben, isopropylparaben, isobutylparaben, butylparaben, and sodium butylparaben. 
Although the FDA has determined that parabens are safe for inclusion in skincare products, many scientist and layperson alike agree that they are not a wise choice.  One reason has to do with the chemical structure of a paraben, which is close to that of estrogen and can fit into estrogen receptors at the cellular level.  This is not good because research suggests that when this happens, the delicate endocrine (hormone) system is disturbed and may eventually lead to breast and other forms of cancer. 
In 2004, a study by the University of Reading in the United Kingdom found concentrations of parabens, particularly methylparaben, in human breast tumors. The study examined only the presence of parabens in the tumors but did not determine that they were the cause of the tumors.(5)  A follow up study released in 2012 confirmed the presence of parabens in 99% of tested cancerous breast tissue, but did not make a direction connection to the cancer and the parabens. (6) There are numerous research studies like this which are mostly suggestive.  The suggestion is strong enough for me to avoid parabens until further research is done to tell me they are safe.
A 2006 study published in Toxicity showed an increase in skin cancer when, in vitro, methylparaben were exposed to UV radiation. (7) This study was never validated with a peer review clinical study, but again, I’d rather be safe than sorry and keep parabens out of our products until further studies convince me they are not going to do harm.
Phthalates are chemical compounds that are used as plasticizers – ingredients that give plastics their elasticity and change the texture and quality of skincare products.  The most widely used phthalates are di-2-ethyl hexyl phthalate (DEHP), diisodecyl phthalate (DIDP), butylbenzyl phthalate (BBP), dibutyl phthalate (DBP),  diisononyl phthalate (DINP), and diethyl phthalate (DEP).  There are many other forms too.  Just check the ingredient label for words ending in phthalate.  Butyl ester and plasticizer are other words to watch for.
As with parabens, phthalates are considered estrogen disruptors and the cause of reproductive problems, especially in males.  They also have been indicated as causing fat-related health risks.
A University of Rochester Medical Center study connected common chemicals to rising obesity rates. The analysis found that several phthalate metabolites showed a positive correlation with abdominal obesity. Men with the highest levels of phthalates in their urine had more belly fat and insulin resistance. Researchers adjusted for other factors that could influence the results, such as the men’s age, race, food intake, physical activity levels and smoking. (8) Who wants their skincare products adding to the already difficult task of battling the bulge?
Ingredients to look for include: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES), Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Myreth Sulfate.  These ingredients generally act as detergents or foaming agents and are found in cleansers and shampoos.
Tests show that Sodium Lauryl Sulfate can penetrate into the eyes as well as systemic tissues (brain, heart, liver, etc.) and show long-term retention in those tissues, especially when used in soaps and shampoos. This is especially important in infants, where considerable growth is occurring and because a much greater uptake occurs in the tissue of younger eyes. SLS also changes the amounts of some proteins in cells in eye tissue of all ages. (2)
SLS forms nitrates. When SLS is used in shampoos and cleansers containing nitrogen-based ingredients, it can form carcinogenic nitrates that can enter the blood stream in large numbers. They can cause eye irritations, skin rashes, hair loss, scalp scurf similar to dandruff, and allergic reactions. [3]
SLS produces nitrosamines, potent carcinogens that cause the body to absorb nitrates at higher levels than eating nitrate-contaminated food like hot dogs or lunch meat.   Dr. David H. Fine, the chemist who uncovered NDELA contamination in cosmetics, estimates that a person would be applying 50 to 100 micrograms of nitrosamine to the skin each time he or she used a nitrosamine-contaminated cosmetic. By comparison, a person consuming sodium nitrate-preserved bacon is exposed to less than one microgram of nitrosamine. (4)
SLS and all its varieties are very harsh detergents that strip the skin’s moisture barrier, which is linked to immunity and disruption of skin health, in addition to associated dry, itchy skin.  In animal testing, it causes serious health problems.  One rule of thumb to remember — if it foams, it may not be your friend.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

dipes are here!

We got our new fuzzibunz in the mail. Having more dipes has really helped with the laundry issue. i dont feel so much pressure to keep having to wash and wash dipes for the next day. its been like 2 days since i have washed so im going to wash them tomorrow.

We had our weigh in for the family challenge tonight. I lost 5 lbs since last week. its hard my SIL has lost 19 total and ive only lost 10, technically 16 since ive started. but it just seems to be going slow. i need to step up the exercising. i want this next baby more then anything in the entire world, but i need for the baby to be healthy along with me. :)

im kinda stuck in my life right now, and jim and i kinda agree. we just feel all alone. there is no one like us. Like jim has a lot of friends, but i dont. i dont know anyone like us. like his friends are still in young party mode with drinking all the time with no real direction. we have no friends that are married, with children with a mortgage to pay....at 27 i think we should have more of that...but i really need more. i need a mom who cloth diapers, co sleep and baby wears. it just make me sad that we cant go out because i just dont fit in. sighs....

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

cloth diaper addict!

Im going to have to get help now....jim ordered me 12 more fuzzibunz! well it was buy 5 get 1 free :) so that completes our stash at 28 ...lol yea right...i love fuzzi mail! i also picked up 16 more cloth wipes. im really hoping to get to every 2-3 days with this amount. and i thought i could use it now while shes still in them, cause i will need that much diapering a newborn in the future. im really excited to try cloth diapering from day one with any future children. zoey was 2 months old when we switched, after we used up all our gifted diapers. (though i have about 500 million disposable wipes. I will admit to using them in the diaper bag.

We had a great easter..dont you love our dresses, they were handmade with love..and no not by me...lol! Dayspring dresses on etsy is fabulous! check her out!

Whatelse is new?! zoey is getting pretty mobile. not crawling per say yet. she gets a couple feet and stops, id same more of a army crawl creep. she also is pulling up and crusing furniture and has stood on her own a couple times. maybe crawling is not for her...lol.

ill try to get a video up soon!

a sleeping baby that just needed Mama to hold her, upon my back, is just too precious.

i got a new sling. my petunia pickle bottom was not cutting it anymore. it was really useful because of its size to just throw into the diaper bag but zoey is hanging around 19 lbs now so it was starting to wear on my shoulder and back.

She loves loves to be held all the time, but i really have things that need to get done around the house. and the throw the baby on the hip while trying to vacuum and cook was not working anymore for me....lol.

i did some research and decided to go on a moby wrap. it was alittle pricey i thought for 15 feet of fabric, but it is one of the cheaper versions and its user friendly and can easily be found. Jim bought mine at babies r us. they carry the chocolate and black colors. i got the black color,  i pretty much only own black clothes and thought it went with more of my outfits. but they do offer a huge array of colors and organics.

and i can say it took a bit getting use to but after a couple origami sessions in front of the mirror, we had lift off! she loves being wrapped up, she was swaddled till she learned to roll over...lol. shes fallen asleep in it twice now and has barely fussed at all. when i take her out she just sits and plays, almost like shes had enough cuddle time. but i was able to clean and do everything i needed to get done. jim could never understand how an hour chore could take me 2-3, its hard with a baby who constantly needs SOMETHING...lol. but im back on track and was even able to blog today! sweeeeetttt!

Im still learning a lot about baby wearing, and im so excited of all the wonderful things it can do for zoey, but most important it makes my life wayyyyy easier!

I found this on dr sears website....if you can take a look and read through it. its pretty interesting!

Benefits of Babywearing

1. Sling babies cry less. Parents in my practice commonly report, "As long as I wear her, she's content!" Parents of fussy babies who try babywearing relate that their babies seem to forget to fuss. This is more than just my own impression. In 1986, a team of pediatricians in Montreal reported on a study of ninety-nine mother-infant pairs. The first group of parents were provided with a baby carrier and assigned to carry their babies for at least three extra hours a day. They were encouraged to carry their infants throughout the day, regardless of the state of the infant, not just in response to crying or fussing. In the control, or noncarried group, parents were not given any specific instructions about carrying. After six weeks, the infants who received supplemental carrying cried and fussed 43 percent less than the noncarried group.
Anthropologists who travel throughout the world studying infant-care practices in other cultures agree that infants in babywearing cultures cry much less. In Western culture we measure a baby's crying in hours, but in other cultures, crying is measured in minutes. We have been led to believe that it is "normal" for babies to cry a lot, but in other cultures this is not accepted as the norm. In these cultures, babies are normally "up" in arms and are put down only to sleep – next to the mother. When the parent must attend to her own needs, the baby is in someone else's arms.
2. Sling babies learn more. If infants spend less time crying and fussing, what do they do with the free time? They learn! Sling babies spend more time in the state of quiet alertness . This is the behavioral state in which an infant is most content and best able to interact with his environment. It may be called the optimal state of learning for a baby. Researchers have also reported that carried babies show enhanced visual and auditory alertness.
The behavioral state of quiet alertness also gives parents a better opportunity to interact with their baby. Notice how mother and baby position their faces in order to achieve this optimal visually interactive plane. The human face, especially in this position, is a potent stimulator for interpersonal bonding. In the kangaroo carry, baby has a 180-degree view of her environment and is able to scan her world. She learns to choose, picking out what she wishes to look at and shutting out what she doesn't. This ability to make choices enhances learning. A sling baby learns a lot in the arms of a busy caregiver.
3. Sling babies are more organized. It's easier to understand babywearing when you think of a baby's gestation as lasting eighteen months – nine months inside the womb and at least nine more months outside. The womb environment automatically regulates baby's systems. Birth temporarily disrupts this organization. The more quickly, however, baby gets outside help with organizing these systems, the more easily he adapts to the puzzle of life outside the womb. By extending the womb experience, the babywearing mother (and father) provides an external regulating system that balances the irregular and disorganized tendencies of the baby. Picture how these regulating systems work. Mother's rhythmic walk, for example, (which baby has been feeling for nine months) reminds baby of the womb experience. This familiar rhythm, imprinted on baby's mind in the womb, now reappears in the "outside womb" and calms baby. As baby places her ear against her mother's chest, mother's heartbeat, beautifully regular and familiar, reminds baby of the sounds of the womb. As another biological regulator, baby senses mother's rhythmic breathing while worn tummy- to-tummy, chest-to-chest. Simply stated, regular parental rhythms have a balancing effect on the infant's irregular rhythms. Babywearing "reminds" the baby of and continues the motion and balance he enjoyed in the womb.
The womb lasts eighteen months: Nine months inside mother, and nine months outside.
What may happen if the baby spends most of his time lying horizontally in a crib, attended to only for feeding and comforting, and then again separated from mother? A newborn has an inherent urge to become organized, to fit into his or her new environment. If left to his own resources, without the regulating presence of the mother, the infant may develop disorganized patterns of behavior: colicky cries, jerky movements, disorganized self-rocking behaviors, anxious thumb sucking, irregular breathing, and disturbed sleep. The infant, who is forced to self-calm, wastes valuable energy he could have used to grow and develop.
While there is a variety of child-rearing theories, attachment researchers all agree on one thing: In order for a baby's emotional, intellectual, and physiological systems to function optimally, the continued presence of the mother, as during babywearing, is a necessary regulatory influence.
4. Sling babies get "humanized" earlier. Another reason that babywearing enhances learning is that baby is intimately involved in the caregiver's world. Baby sees what mother or father sees, hears what they hear, and in some ways feels what they feel. Carried babies become more aware of their parents' faces, walking rhythms, and scents. Baby becomes aware of, and learns from, all the subtle facial expressions, body language, voice inflections and tones, breathing patterns, and emotions of the caregiver. A parent will relate to the baby a lot more often, because baby is sitting right under her nose. Proximity increases interaction, and baby can constantly be learning how to be human. Carried babies are intimately involved in their parents' world because they participate in what mother and father are doing. A baby worn while a parent washes dishes, for example, hears, smells, sees, and experiences in depth the adult world. He is more exposed to and involved in what is going on around him. Baby learns much in the arms of a busy person.
5. Sling babies are smarter. Environmental experiences stimulate nerves to branch out and connect with other nerves, which helps the brain grow and develop. Babywearing helps the infant's developing brain make the right connections. Because baby is intimately involved in the mother and father's world, she is exposed to, and participates in, the environmental stimuli that mother selects and is protected from those stimuli that bombard or overload her developing nervous system. She so intimately participates in what mother is doing that her developing brain stores a myriad of experiences, called patterns of behavior. These experiences can be thought of as thousands of tiny short-run movies that are filed in the infant's neurological library to be rerun when baby is exposed to a similar situation that reminds her of the making of the original "movie." For example, mothers often tell me, "As soon as I pick up the sling and put it on, my baby lights up and raises his arms as if in anticipation that he will soon be in my arms and in my world."
I have noticed that sling babies seem more attentive, clicking into adult conversations as if they were part of it. Babywearing enhances speech development. Because baby is up at voice and eye level, he is more involved in conversations. He learns a valuable speech lesson – the ability to listen.
Normal ambient sounds, such as the noises of daily activities, may either have learning value for the infant or disturb him. If baby is alone, sounds may frighten him. If baby is worn, these sounds have learning value. The mother filters out what she perceives as unsuitable for the baby and gives the infant an "It's okay" feeling when he is exposed to unfamiliar sounds and experiences.

I wanted him to die old and grey, not just grey...


Well yesterday was the day, our gentle giant was put to sleep. The cancer had spread rapidly into his leg and he couldnt walk any longer. It was a really hard day! I had made him his delicious last meal the night before, steak, bacon, hot dogs and peanut butter in turkey gravy.

 I think he knew, he savored every bite. We played with him in the morning. saying our final goodbyes.

We dropped zoey off at my moms and picked tank back up. We fed him his chocolate bar, his favorite.
 One christmas i put giant chocolate bars on all of the presents, to which he found them and ate them all. good thing he was like 160lbs it didnt affect him...lol.

We took him to the vet and he loved the ride there, im sure people were like what the heck is looking out of that truck! lol!

they took him in and put him in a room, we hugged and kissed him lots and lots. he got his iv and while Jim held him they put him to sleep. i sobbed for a long time. even the vet tech cried. :(

roxy has been going through some depression and it makes me so sad to watch her. she didnt eat for awhile and now just lays around not playing or being happy. weve had a couple dogs come over for to play with, but you can tell its not the same. Weve been tossing around the idea of getting another puppy. a great Pyrenees or a lab. but im not sure i can handle a baby and a puppy at the same time. looks like we will just have to do the dog park and have play dates for her :)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

light it up blue

Well today is April 2, 2012, which is light it up blue day! April is Autism Awareness month. You can show your support to all the families who deal with autism on a daily basis, and raise awareness of this condition. Running into home depot last night i met a man who was also buying blue light bulbs. it made me smile thanking God we arent alone in this.

 My brother Mason has Autism. It has not been an easy journey for my family. Everyday is a battle. Where it is from Mason himself, with having meltdowns over things that seem to be so easy to us...or the evil eye stare we get while we are out shopping or in any other public place. Like a couple weeks ago I took him to toys r us and he picked out a toy to get. Some where in the store he had put the toy down to look at something else. When it was time to check out, he realized he didnt have the toy....major meltdown time. Any other kid would be disappointed but then chose another toy to take home. We are in the toy store :) but he needed that particular one. He threw himself on the floor repeatedly hitting his head on the concrete screaming he has to have THAT one. We are so use to it, that its not a big deal. But dont confuse that with not caring. We have seen it a thousand times, there is nothing we can say or do that will calm him, he has to work it out. A man and his 3 kids walk by, again the dirty look and the whispers. like we arent aware you are talking about us. After a minute or so he calms down enough for me to talk him through where he was and we go and look for the item. Luckily about 15 mins of searching we found it! we walk to the front, again with the eery feeling of stares on our backs and purchase our toys. I think that is what bothers me the most when we are out with him.yes kids say and do stupid things all the time. I work in a childrens spa and you should hear some of the information i hear about people. lol. but stares hurt. he knows your staring at him he knows hes different. hes not spoiled, he just cant process that what was suppose to happen...didnt. You would think with the national average 1 in 88, and a staggering 1 in 49 and 1 in 29 boys where i live! You would think that people in NJ would have an idea what was happening.  but they have no stinking idea. its easier to believe we screwed up and spoiled him rotten, so the stares and whispers continue. But insted of staring or offering your unwanted parenting advice, offer us a smile. Ask if you can help, tell us youve been there, tell us you understand what we are going through. At the very least dont stare and lecture us on what we could have done different. 

I cant tell you how much unwanted advice has been given to me about raising my children not to have autism. i need to breastfeed, well mason was too. I shouldnt give my child her vaccinations, that one blows my mind. I can deal with autism. i doesnt kill you....polio and pertussis do. ive been told to not have children, since it may be genetic. I have to eat this or do that. Im glad they are "concerned"about my child and any future children, but its basically saying if you have a special needs child we will treat them different.

 Well you know what i dont care if all my kids have special needs. they will be my child, and while yes i can say i dont want the world and growing up to be easy for them. they wont see ANY less love or devotion from me if they arent perfect in the worlds eyes. I had the opportunity to see if genetically i was a carrier. i didnt get tested. that is not important to me and wont stand in my way of having childen. i was ment to be a mom, no matter to who they are or become <3

 Mason has learned so much since hes be diagnosed, and really we have learned so much too. We dont take life as seriously. We kinda wait for him to shock people with what he will do and say and smile. Well, except for the time i came home from the hospital with zoey still looking 6 months pregnant, and him saying WHEN IS THAT ONE COMING OUT?! thanks mason. lol. hes a little social butterfly making friends where ever he goes. i cant wait to see where he goes in life, and i pray God blesses his wife with patience cause she will need it! <3

Friday, March 16, 2012

the bigger they are the harder they fall....

 i had my annual at the gyno. i got up really early so i could shower and get ready and wake zoey up earlier to tire her out so she could nap while we were there...yea right. they are seriously the sloooowest drs ive ever been to. so of course she was awake and less then enthused to be in the car seat. the visit seemed to go well. i did ask her what she wanted me to be before we tried to conceive again. she told me 150, anything else is pretty unrealistic. that broke me and i felt pretty defeated. no i will not be 89lbs but i will not stop at 150, that still has me in the over weight catagory and that is just not acceptable. not for me or my twinkle in daddys eye baby to be.
Ive also started on loestrin 24 fe.  im not really caring about the birth control aspect, im just despite to get a control on my acne. ive had it for years and quite frankly im just so sick of it.

our dane is not doing so well. he seemed to have lost a lot of weight when we came home from vacation a month ago, and started limping a little on his back legs. we had him scheduled to get his neuter done next week but because hes over 5 he needed blood work done. so the day before that i noticed his front leg had a huge bump on it, and it made me really worried. i called him and he canceled the appointment at the neuter clinic then made one at the vets instead.

i brought him inside and he just laid around and i put some ice on his leg

he was beyond excited to have that on....lol. so jim took him in and he met some cats and some other little dogs but since he was so nervous he didnt even make a sound. he got onto the scale and weighed in at 123. he had lost a lot of weight. they took him back and he checked out great. so they take an xray, this is where jim stopped texting me, and that had me worrying.

jim comes home and walks tank to the yard. he comes in and loses it. tank has bone cancer, and only has 3-6 months left to live. we cant believe it and are totally devastated. we could give him an amputation and chemo but we decided to make his last few weeks as comfortable as we can and put him to sleep. its going to be such a sad day when we have to do that. and im not sure how i feel about going back there with him. but i need to because thats when he needs us there the most <3

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

my bitter sweet day

today was a really sweet day. zoeys been teething so its been a rough couple days. jims alarm went off early today and woke our sleeping princess. so she was cranky and he went and got her a bottle while i changed her. she drank her 6 oz of formula but was still feeling a little restless, irritated she still had 4 more hours of sleep left. i was also feeling a little uncomfortable in my chest. i could feel there was not a lot but some milk in there. not wanting to have to unpack my pump and put it all back together i though well it doesnt hurt to see if she will latch one last time. thinking to myself i dont have any idea where the nipple shield is, i prayed that she would latch onto me. so i picked up my little miss and placed her in the football hold on a pillow. took a deep breath...and she latched. for the first time, on me.... perfectly. there was no pain and my nipple didnt come out like a chewed tube of lipstick. she nursed very quickly, much quicker then the pump and not as strong. my heart melted the minute i saw the little drips of the last of my milk dribble out of the side of her mouth. we had made it, she finally learned. those last little drops were worth every minute of my bitter fight to breast feed. while the moment only lasted several minutes, i just felt a total peace over the whole situation. as my little girl nursed herself to sleep once last time in my arms, and i was finally thankful for all i was able to provide for her. i cuddled up next to her and thanked God for every drop she received. im sobbing writing this, hormones ugh, but i cant describe how i feel. while after her nap i offered again and she not so politely refused. i feel so blessed to had not only a very healthy pregnancy and delivery, but a beautiful thriving daughter. there are so many families out there who are not nearly as blessed as we are. While breast feeding was such a blessing in my life, there are so many other things to be thankful for in our lives. Zoey Jane was blessed with both sets of grandparents, and 2 great grand fathers and 4 great grandmothers and lots of aunts and uncles who all love her. Shes growing right on schedule, and completing her milestones ahead of time. She has a beautiful home and an acre yard to play in with a pool, and 2 dogs and a cat to play with...well ok 1 dog and a cat i will let her play with, tank is just too big for her still. and she has parents who love each other very much. ( i mean really the first year of our marriage i was pregnant and the 2nd we have a baby, and hopefully, the 3rd year pregnant again and 4th with a baby...we live with the motto go big or go home around here... lol) with so much to be thankful for it seems a little silly for me to have this hang up about the breastfeeding. the Collison family fought a good fight together, as a team and every time Zoey looks up at me with her big hazel eyes and grins her silly puffy gummed toothless grim, it really reminds me how far we all came...as a family. and for that im so very very thankful.

on another note. the weight loss situation is going well, im still on track and it was nice enough to take zoey and roxy on a walk today. tank is too difficult to walk without the baby but im considering him next time..lol. he walks very nicely on a leash (but hates other males, so he may yank your arm out of the socket as his 200 lb body runs after another dog) but roxy is a zig zag walker who has to sniff everything as we go by ugh! it was cute to see her keep looking in the stroller to make sure her new friend is still doing ok.

I ordered some shoes for zoey off of amazon for the summer and spring time with a 20% off coupon. they are really cute. the T straps are for her easter dress..to which i still am not sure what we are doing and what she is wearing, though i do have like 5 dresses to chose from...lol. and the 2nd pair are a pair of roxy shoes that are more casual but sooo stinking cute.

then i have 2 weddings to go to this year, and i ordered this dress. but hopefully it will only fit for the first one :) my girlfriend at work ordered it for her prom, but its after the wedding. and i cant ask her to wear it before she gets too...lol! oh well. hope it looks good, but if not i can return it. by then i hopefully will be 20 lbs down and tan :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

feeling empty (. )(. )

its been 2 days since ive last pumped. im doing ok. im not in any pain or feel any lumps. I packed up my pump and all my nursing bras and tops. its a very strange feeling to have my chest back. i have a lot more time in my day without washing all my pumping supplies and storage bottles. i feel a peace over the loss though. my daughter is just as happy and healthy. she is still thriving. i really did give her the best start i could and thats all that is important to me :)

i came home from work on saturday and my mom had dropped by while jim was watching zoey. shes been there for me the entire struggle and has held me together through it all. this is what i found when i got home, isnt she the best mom in the world?

 shes so sweet! we wound up taking zoey to the park for the first time! she loved it!

we did have our family weigh in last night. its wasnt that horrible. im still fat, but down 3 pounds. my sister in law rachel had us all join my fitness pal, its a great site to follow your diet and exercise and encourage each other. i have it on my kindle so its easy to take with you.

today is my once a week cooking day, which is stressful but easy to do! having a little one is tricky and this helps us so much. and its great cause when im at the salon, i dont get done until 7 so jim can start heating it up and weve got a homemade yummy meal!  up this week for dinner...

chicken with spinach and portabella orzo
turkey breast with whole wheat stuffing, roasted sweet potatoes, cranberries, and apsaragus
beef chili with spaghetti squash
chicken supreme casserole
chicken ceasar salad with veggie soup
beef strew with sweet potatoes
grilled chicken tacos with homemade pico de gio and guacamole

heres to a delicious week!

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